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化粪池模具工作原理 现浇筑化粪池

2019/12/21 12:45:33发布203次查看

why is septic tank called septic tank how does he work
the septic tank can mainly use the unique bacteria in the septic tank to decompose the feces, which is generally divided into several warehouses for decomposition. usually, the fecal water in the first warehouse is tasteful and the most sundry. here's a word: sanitary products can't be thrown down, because the septic tank can't be broken down and will be blocked for a long time. some people don't know how to buy water or directly pour it into the place where they want to remove the blockage. in fact, they don't have any use at all. the jelly will harden directly in this strong acid environment so that it is not easy to discharge, and will kill the bacteria in the septic tank, resulting in low efficiency of the septic tank.
by the second bin, it's basically in the state of bio fertilizer. at this time, the odor basically disappears. but from the perspective of irrigation, this kind of bio fertilizer can't be directly irrigated. it needs to be mixed with water or it will burn the roots of plants. basically, the septic tank is blocked because of the blockage. it is impossible to block the paper towel and the stool. the bacteria will decompose them. but once there are colloidal substances, they will basically coagulate into lumps, unable to decompose and discharge, and will burst the excrement canal naturally
the cement septic tank is divided into prefabricated and cast-in-place. people generally think that if the septic tank is so big, how can it be transported out in the factory first the transportation cost will be very high, in fact, it is not. the prefabricated one is more labor-saving and time-saving than the cast-in-place one, and the operation steps of the cast-in-place cement septic tank are tedious. moreover, due to the influence of the weather, the rain can no longer continue, the construction period is long, and the combined cost is much higher than the price of the prefabricated plus freight.
scope of application of environmental protection septic tank of our company:
1. this product is a supporting facility for the preliminary treatment of domestic sewage in residential buildings, office buildings, schools, sanatoriums, enterprise workshops, living rooms and other industrial and civil buildings;
2. the product is calculated and applied according to the separation system of washing wastewater and fecal wastewater of indoor drainage system;
3. the product is widely used in all parts of the country, and can be installed at multiple angles according to the sewage discharge needs;
4. before the inlet and outlet pipes of the septic tank, drainage shall be provided.

qq: 2119684016


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